Happy New Year! from the Nogatamachi Church
The Nogatamachi Church (6-26-9 Nogata, Nakano-ku, Tokyo; Protestant and member of The United Church of Christ in Japan) will hold its first Sunday service this year on Jan. 5 (10:30 a.m.-around noon).
*<Second Sunday after Christmas Day>
*Pastor: Toshimichi Takahashi
聖書(新共同訳) イザヤ書40章27節~31節
*Bible: New Interconfessional Translation, Isaiah 40:27-31
讃美歌 (Hymn nos.) 24番 268番 21-367番 206番 542番
*Subtitles ands translations are not available for the service, but bibles in English and some other languages are available for non-Japanese visitors who wish to attend nonetheless.
※毎月第一日曜は礼拝中に「聖餐(せいさん)式」が行われます。イエス・キリストが十字架にかけられる前夜の最後の食事を記念し、パンとブドウ酒を礼拝に集まった信者たち(会衆と呼ばれます)で分かち、いただきます。*Communion service is held on the first Sunday of every month.
*A New Year prayer-meeting will be held after the Sunday service this day.
Categories: お知らせ