
Sunday Service on March 8
(2nd Sunday in Lent)

*Pastor: Toshimichi Takahashi
ヨハネによる福音書 9章1節~12節
*Bible: New Interconfessional Translation
John 9:1~12
讃美歌 (*Hymn nos.) 87B 121 138 544

*To help prevent the spread of novel coronavirus infections, attendants are asked to use the hand sanitizer at the entrance hall.

*Please refrain from attending the service if you are not feeling well.

*Subtitles, translations are not available for the service, but bibles in English and other languages are available for non-Japanese visitors who wish to attend nonetheless.

*Voluntary donations are made during the service.

*Church school (Sunday service for small children, junior and senior high school students) starts at 9 a.m.

*A small group meeting led by the pastor for people interested in learning about the day’s sermon in advance starts at 9:30 a.m. and is open to anyone wishing to attend the service.

Nogatamachi Church
(6-26-9 Nogata, Nakano-ku)